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Class of 2003

Class of 2003 Reunion

[Source: Mitchell Davis]

CLASS OF 2003 REUNION WEBSITE: www.miramarclassof2003.com

Miramar High SchoolDay 1

  • Friday, August 09, 2013
    The “W” Hotel Cocktail Mixer
    401 North Ft.Lauderdale Beach Blvd
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33304

Day 2

  • Saturday, August 10, 2013
    The All White Affair Yacht Party
    (Open bar, food and entertainment.)

Day 3

  • Sunday, August 11, 2013
    The Blue Family and Friends Patriot Picnic
    “Fun in the Sun” A day with food, games, and prizes

Packages include:
Admission for each event, food, & souvenirs. Package can be paid in installments. A deposit of $50.00 is due by April 5, 2013. All remaining balances need to be paid in FULL by July 15th, 2013. All deposits are “NON-REFUNDABLE”. Any questions or concerns please email the reunion committee at miramarclassof2003@gmail.com