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Class of 1974

Looking for Barry Greenfield, MHS Class of 1974

Barry Greenfield

According to an October 22, 2014 article in the Sun-Sentinel, a man has come forward now, “hoping someone will recognize the man’s [Miramar High School Class of 1974] ring with a purple stone and the engraved initials BJG.”

It appears the ring had been lost, and found years ago.  It was passed from a woman (now deceased) to her son.  The son now wants to reunite the ring with it’s original owner.

A quick trip to my worn copy of the 1974 yearbook shows the only male with initials “BG” is Barry Greenfield.  If you have any information about the ring, or Barry, please contact me (Tom Truex), or the Sun-Sentinel reporter on the case, Angel Streeter (astreeter@sunsentinel.com.)