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Miramar High School Teachers, past and present

Class information

The problem with many institutional websites is that they are created and forgotten. Don’t you hate it when you visit a site, and the most current information is two years old? So it was refressing to find the CLASSJUMP.COM website. It has class information posted by teachers. It looks like some of the information is even current.

MHS Band teacher, Alvin Davis, one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year

Alvin Davis

Alvin Davis

Miramar High School band teacher Alvin Davis was honored Tuesday morning at the White House as one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year. Rebecca Mieliwocki, an English teacher from California, won the top honor.

President Barack Obama made the announcement during a White House ceremony.


Charles Osgood Podcast:

Alvin Davis

Alvin Davis

"Is it possible for a man who teaches about B flat – and never lets the band be flat – to make such a difference that it helps turn a whole school around?"

[Listen to the whole Charles Osgood podcast about Alvin Davis, finalist for National Teacher of the Year]

CBS Evening News:

Sorry, CBS News makes you watch this video directly on YouTube. Follow the link.

Alvin Aureliano Davis, Finalist For National Teacher Of The Year

News: The Huffington Post

Miramar High School music teacher Alvin Aureliano Davis has made it to the semi-finals for the National Teacher of the Year award. Davis has taught for more than 11 years, eight of which were in his current position at Miramar High School. He also has numerous achievements under his belt, including the 2012 Florida Teacher of the Year award. *read the story*